ADAM - Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping Platform
To help enable a map of the solar system that makes it easy to share, organize, calculate, visualize, and understand trajectories and location information for space.

Services and Capabilities
A number of ADAM APIs are currently available to researchers in closed beta; contact us if you're interested.
Asteroid Discovery
Identification of previously unknown asteroids in large survey data, using the THOR algorithm and without the need for tracklets.
Asteroid Precovery
Fast and scalable search for previously unidentified observations of newly discovered asteroids in archival datasets.
Large scale astrodynamics
Cloud-based scalable n-body integration of billions of (real or simulated) objects, including monte-carlo simulations for impact scenarios.
Python API
Python client libraries to access ADAM's cloud APIs.
Web-based interactive 3D visualization of asteroid trajectories.
Impact probability computation, space navigation services, and more.